Sunday, February 7, 2016

Is Digital Art Real Art?

Having been one of the many kids who used to spend majority of their free time drawing on paper, and finally being able to try out digital art recently, I thought of maybe discussing art and my experiences with it.

Art has always been defined as a way for man to express his thoughts and feelings. It begun way back, long before anyone actually knew it was art. Animal carvings found on cave walls indicate that even cavemen were able to produce art centuries ago. Visual art, which is one of the many forms of art, has evolved through the decades and has now come up in variations, many of which are made from mediums such as: oil, paint, charcoal, glass, and even salt. This is what we'd like to call traditional art - anything which is made from materials that you can physically touch. Recently, with the creation of the computers, digital art was also introduced. Digital art is basically art that requires the computer's aid. Drawing softwares/programs, as well as equipment such as a WACOM tablet are also a huge necessity. Lastly, unlike traditional art, digital art's medium cannot be physically touched. Despite the two's differences, both of them are still art.

However, there HAVE been debates as to whether or not digital art should be considered as real art. And why shouldn't it be? Digital art may be more convenient as revisions would be faster, but it isn't any easier than traditional art nor should it be deemed as the more inferior art form. It can still be used as a means to express oneself, which is one of art's main purposes. It may be a lot more expensive with its tools being more accessible and digitalized, but digital art is STILL art and can STILL be used as an outlet for creativity.